Volunteer Opportunities

C4 has a space for everyone. C4 is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) with many opportunities for volunteers interested in social justice. Some of our volunteer opportunities are featured on this page, but we welcome volunteers in all fields. Please click the volunteer button to volunteer, or email us with any questions.

Client Selection Committee

A widely diverse Selection Committee from the community scores individual applications to select the applicants related to our County who best match C4's intent to correct injustices, who are in need of our services, and who are most likely to achieve financial stability through home or business ownership with C4's help. 

Training is provided.


Additional Volunteer Opportunities



Grant Research & Writing


Financial Literacy Workshops


Expert Seminar Presentations


Social Media


Public Relations


Financial Experts for Clients


Business Mentors

Client Liaisons

Client Liaisons work one on one with individual clients applying C4 methodology and resources to identify client needs and best steps for success. Liaisons are clients' greatest cheerleaders, but all decisions are made by clients.
Liaisons connect clients to community resources, participate in periodic performance reviews to assess progress and assist with necessary changes to achieve goals.  Client Liaisons facilitate expert assistance but do not provide expert advice themselves. 

Training is provided.

Facilitate individual empowerment and equity for financial stability across generations