C4 provides liaisons and clients with direct support from a dedicated Board member and the Resource Guide.

This guide provides references to a wide variety of resources to help with budgeting, income growth, credit repair, health care, mortgages, business opportunities and a wide variety of other subjects related to preparing for home or business ownership and improving financial and personal circumstances. If you have suggestions for improving the Guide, please contact C4 through the contact information on this website. 

Resource Guide


Client On-Boarding_Beta

Free for C4 Members

Our on-boarding software automatically assists C4 Clients with accessing the knowledge they need for the C4 program. C4 clients, working with their Liaisons, control when and where they would like to on-board, with or without internet, saving C4 clients time and giving them power over their C4 program.

Liasion Upskilling_Beta

Free for C4 Members

Upskilling prepares our liaisons to work with clients to enhance their financial skills and achieve their goals. Our Liaison upskilling modules let liaisons check in and out of their upskilling program as they see fit. Weekly reports and automatic tracking, allows C4 liaisons to decide when and how they upskill.

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