An independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) of like minded individuals and organizations.
Working with clients to build financial stability across generations through savings matching, assistance with housing issues, education, training, job and social services resources and partnerships with financial experts and businesses.
C4 Standing Committees:
Finance; Client Selection and Review;
Education, Training and Social Services;
Financial Institution Liaison;
Legal Matters; Capital Funding; Financial Institution Liaison;
Land Acquisition and Government Liaison;
Architecture, Development & Construction
Residential Management;
Commercial Management & Marketing
Documentation and Public Relations
A Maryland Charitable Corporation:
Managed by a volunteer Board of Directors representing organizational partners and fields of expertise.
Each Director chairs a committee of volunteers addressing the various aspects of the enterprise:
Board of Directors:
Kip At Lee, Chair
Michael Kent, Vice Chair
Kathryn Marsh, Secretary
Ariane Odom
Nathaniel "Nate" Pope, Jr.
Edsel M. Brown
Stephen Buck
Cynthia Thorne-Carter
Jacklyn Chambers
Adjunct Board Members:
Sen. Michael A. Jackson
Del. Jeffrey Long
Lloyd Kinch
Rachael Jones
Joyce Freeland
Chris Banks
Fane Lineback
Financial Construct
Funds-matching for participants’ savings and other financial incentives (micro-grants and progress awards).
Donations-in-kind of facilities and professional expertise.
Partnerships to facilitate home and business financing.
Grants and donations providing operational funding.
Capital Campaign towards a self-sustaining, multi-use, environmentally innovative campus providing clients temporary respite from housing pressures. Family rents adjusted to allow savings for down payments.
Documenting processes and lessons-learned to create products for communities across the US.
Helping others replicate and tailor the concept to their localities.
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